AT HOME EDUCATION – As a current traditional homeschool school parent, and now founder of a conservative, nationally accredited private school, my heart is and will always be grounded in school choice. My two eldest sons were traditionally homeschooled their entire life. One is a construction management major at University of Houston and the other is an electrical engineering major at Houston Christian University. I made it a point to fully integrate homeschool students into our unique private school, allowing them to participate in areas like debate, robotics and our scholastic sports teams. In partnership with Byrd Academy, we have now taken homeschool access a step further with our “At Home” products & services. Traditionally homeschool parents and students will have a host of products and services to choose from in the Fall of 2025, from STEM kits to our college admissions services. Our goal, with the help of GOD, is to be a valuable infrastructure for unaccredited private schools (traditional homeschool households) in Texas and nationwide. I grew up dealing with Asperger’s before it was even a diagnosis. My eldest dealt with dyscalculia. There is no one path for every child but I firmly believe homeschool households are a valuable and integral part of America. They should have equitable access to the services, products and resources needed for homeschool children to succeed. – Dr. Andrew. Green

Coming Fall 2025
HOMESCHOOL LMS – Designed to stream line the day to day educational operations of homeschool families, from degree plans to transcripts generation. Our personalized AI learning companion will ensure your child’s skill gaps and/or advanced areas of achievement will lead towards unleashed and unlimited learning potential.
INNOVATIVE HOMESCHOOL STEM KITS – From engineering electronics embedded systems to neuroscience, our products are going to push the boundaries of STEM and take kids on stimulating journeys of discovery that spark new interest and sustain career pursuit.
FULL COURSE CATALOG ACCESS – Homeschool parents will be able to purchase asynchronous access to all of the courses taught at our conservative private school each semester, while maintaining their autonomy as traditional homeschool students.
COMPLETE COLLEGE ADMISSIONS SERVICE – For a set all-inclusive fee, we are going to prep your child for the ACT, complete the entire process of admissions for your Top 20 universities of choice, tell your child’s unique story as we complete all of the essays and applications for those 20 universities, and go after all of the academic scholarships available for your child. All you will have to do is sit back and open the acceptance letters and emails, as they arrive.
FULL INCLUSION IN SPORTS & EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES – Your child will be able to participate weekly in competitive debate, robotics, dance, golf, softball, volleyball, baseball, basketball and soccer, alongside our private school student-athletes as equal teammates in tournaments and leagues. With hard work and dedication, our past college athletic success could become their future college athletic reality. We have placed our students-athletes at some of the best NCAA Division I Universities.